Electronic Health Record

$15 00 /yr
Electronic Health Record

Accessible globally. Patient centered and owned

Rewards Program

$25 00 /yr
Electronic Health Record

Accessible globally. Patient centered and owned

Suyool Visa Platinum Card
Suyool Visa Platinum Card

Loyalty Card Program

$72 00 /yr

Consultation fee for MDMEDICINE Lebanon member physicians = 25USD

Annual Complimentary Medical Check-up

An annual comprehensive medical check-up at MDMEDICINE network in Lebanon includes: Comprehensive full physical exam Comprehensive dental check-ups including dental cleaning. Laboratory studies: CBC, FBS, BUN, Cr, Uric acid, Cholesterol, TG, HDL, LDL, SGOT, Urinalysis and EKG.


Savings: 40% on Lab tests in MDMEDICINE member laboratories.


Savings: 40% on Imaging in MDMEDICINE member Radiology centers.


Savings: 30% on Procedures in MDMEDICINE member clinic and Hospitals.

Suyool Visa Platinum Card

Free Suyool Visa Platinum Card

Electronic Health Record

Accessible globally. Patient centered and owned

Conditions and Exclusions:

No age limit, No exclusion for preexisting conditions. Referral to Specialists by the Family Physician.

Guaranteed Medical Insurance Renewal Program

From $11000 /yr
Guaranteed Renewal Coverage

Guaranteed renewal of medical insurance policy as per the policy terms. Policy is to be activated on out-of-Lebanon residency cancellation.

Electronic Health Record

Accessible globally. Patient centered and owned

Annual Complimentary Medical Check-up

An annual comprehensive medical check-up at MDMEDICINE network in Lebanon includes: Comprehensive full physical exam Comprehensive dental check-ups including dental cleaning Laboratory studies: CBC, FBS, BUN, Cr, Uric acid, Cholesterol, TG, HDL, LDL, SGOT, and Urinalysis. Imaging: Mammography for female subscribers

Suyool Visa Platinum Card

Suyool Visa Platinum Card

Terms and Conditions

Calculated based on the last birthday
Maximum entry age 65 years

All legal dependents should be under the same policy

Required documents:
Proof of residence outside Lebanon
Proof of health coverage in the country of residence.

Medical requirements:

Medical Questionnaire
Age > 50 yrs: Medical visit
Age 51-60: Medical visit+ basic blood tests done within a year
Age 61-65: Medical visit +blood  tests+EKG. All done within a year

Electronic Health Record

Rewards Program

Loyalty Card Program

Guaranteed Medical Insurance Renewal Program

Electronic Health Record
Annual Complimentary Medical Check-up
Suyool Visa Platinum Card
Guaranteed Renewal Coverage