The Email policy of MDMEDICINE (“The Company”) for email. All physicians who use the Company’s email system are required to comply with this policy statement.
The email system is to be used solely for the Company’s business purposes and not for the physicians’ personal purposes.
All information and messages created, sent, received, or stored on the Company’s email system are the sole property of the Company.
All email is subject to the right of the Company to monitor, access, read, disclose, and use such email without prior notice to the originators and recipients of such email. Email may be monitored and read by authorized personnel for any violations of law, breaches of Company policies, communications harmful to the Company, or for any other reason.
Emails may not contain statements or content that are defamatory, offensive, harassing, illegal, derogatory, or discriminatory. Foul, inappropriate, offensive, or abusive messages such as racial, sexual, or religious slurs or jokes are prohibited. Sexually explicit messages or images, cartoons, or jokes are not permitted.
The email system is only to be used by authorized persons, and physicians must have been issued an email password to use the system. Physicians shall not disclose their codes or passwords to others and may not use someone else’s code or password without express written authorization from the Company.
Email communications should not be considered private, and security cannot be guaranteed. Highly confidential or sensitive information should not be sent through email.
Without the Company’s express written authorization, physicians may not transmit trade secrets or other confidential, private, or proprietary information or materials through email.
Physicians should be careful in creating emails. Even when a message has been deleted, it may still exist in a printed version, be recreated from a backup system, or may have been forwarded to someone else. Please note that appropriate electronic messages may need to be saved, and the Company may be required to produce email in litigation.
Any files downloaded from emails received from non-Company sources must be scanned with the Company’s virus detection software. Any viruses, tampering, or system problems should be immediately reported to (the computer systems administrator)