Diabetic Yearly Program

$120.00 / year

25 in stock

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SKU: PTDP-UD-06 Category:


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels, affecting millions worldwide. Effective management of diabetes requires a holistic approach that combines both preventive measures to mitigate complications and curative interventions to control the disease.

The MDMEDICINE Annual Diabetes Management Program involves the patient’s thorough medical assessment, including a medical history review, physical examination, preventive screenings for diabetic complications, including retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular disease, foot care, and laboratory tests. The program tries to identify modifiable risk factors such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and a family history of diabetes and to assess the psychosocial factors affecting diabetes management, including stress, depression, and socioeconomic status.

Based on the assessment findings, patients receive personalized treatment plans addressing glycemic control, blood pressure management, lipid control, and lifestyle modifications. Periodic follow-up visits monitor glycemic control, evaluate treatment efficacy, and adjust medications accordingly.

The MDMEDICINE program’s educational material focuses on diabetes self-management skills, including blood glucose monitoring, medication adherence, healthy eating habits, physical activity, and stress management techniques. This approach will empower patients to participate actively in their care, make informed decisions, and prevent diabetes-related complications.

Defeat Diabetes: Life is Sweet